America's oldest WWII vet still drinks whiskey as he turns 109

America's Oldest Vet Is Mighty Fine At 109
America's Oldest Vet Is Mighty Fine At 109

Richard Overton is America's oldest living veteran, and he parties harder than most his age.

He just turned 109-years-old and celebrated with a sponsored "Mighty Fine at 109" birthday party complete with cake, burgers, cigars and whiskey.

The WWII veteran told the Wall Street Journal he smokes 12 cigars a day, throws back whiskey occasionally and still drives. How else would he help the local widows get to church?

Overton is able to remain independent at his home in Austin, Texas thanks to a medical alert service that is provided free of charge for the rest of his life in appreciation for his courageous service to our country.

Overton told KVUE he had a blast and hopes to see friends and family again at next year's celebration.

"I'm really surprised, I really didn't know there was going to be this many people. I knew it was going to be somebody, but I didn't know it was going to be like this and I really enjoyed it."

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