William Shatner unveils plan to save California with water highway

William Shatner Unveils Plan to Save California with Water Highway
William Shatner Unveils Plan to Save California with Water Highway

Captain Kirk of the Starship Enterprise wants to go where no man has gone before right here on Earth. Actor William Shatner wants to beam himself up to help fight California's catastrophic drought, now in its fourth year.

Shatner told Yahoo! News he wants to raise 30 billion dollars on Kickstarter to build a "water highway," a pipeline to bring water from the Seattle area to California.

It would run along the I-5 interstate from the northwest to Lake Mead.

Not so fast, say officials in Washington state, which has its own drought.

One state official said its our water and borrowing another Star Trek line, called Shatner's idea "highly illogical."

Scientists say tests show the California region hasn't been so dry since at least the year 1580, and may be going through a century-long so-called "mega drought."

Many think Captain Kirk's real mission is to raise awareness of the crisis.

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