Hillary Clinton's logo goes rainbow for marriage equality

Hillary Clinton Changes Logo To Support Same-Sex Marriage
Hillary Clinton Changes Logo To Support Same-Sex Marriage

Shortly after the U.S. Supreme Court began hearing arguments on same-sex marriage, Hillary Clinton let her opinion be known online.

She changed the colors of her presidential campaign logo on social media Tuesday from red and blue to include all of the colors of the rainbow, symbolizing the gay rights movement.

The Democratic presidential candidate saw that message retweeted more than 6,500 times. She also changed her campaign's Facebook profile photo which has been liked nearly 45,000 times.

During her 2008 run for The White House, Clinton opposed same-sex marriage and instead supported the idea of civil unions. Pew research showed that at the time, 54 percent of Americans were against same-sex marriage.

Then in 2013 she announced her personal support for marriage equality. According to Pew, by then 50 percent of Americans were for it.

Many question if Clinton is being a fair-weather fan of the movement.

A writer for Breitbart said, If Clinton's avatar were truly to reflect her position on same-sex marriage, the arrow in the center ought to swerve like a game of Chutes & Ladders."

The Washington Post pointed out that last summer, Clinton said that gay marriage was an issue for the states alone.

A campaign spokeswoman set the record straight in a statement, saying, "Hillary Clinton supports marriage equality and hopes the Supreme Court will come down on the side of same-sex couples being guaranteed that constitutional right."
