Woman finds 3.69-carat diamond in Arkansas' Crater of Diamonds State Park

Woman Finds 3.69-Carat Diamond In State Park
Woman Finds 3.69-Carat Diamond In State Park

During a recent visit to Crater of Diamonds State Park in Arkansas, a lucky woman found a diamond approximately the size of a pinto bean.Susie Clark was visiting the Crater of Diamonds State Park in Murfreesboro, Arkansas with her husband and had no clue that she'd walk out with a jaw-dropping find. She recalls saying to God at the time, "Are you going to bless me and let me find a diamond today?"

Soon after, she came across the jewel, which is 3.69 carats. Clark believes it was divine intervention and named it "the Hallelujah Diamond."

CNN explains that visitors to the park get to keep what they find. CNN explains: "It's not clear how much the diamond is worth, and park officials aren't trained to appraise them, according to the park website. But Oklahoman Tara Clymer sold a 3.85-carat diamond she found at the park last year for $20,000."

Clark's gem is the 122nd diamond to be found at the site so far this year, and also the largest of 2015.

According to a park interpreter, the tear-dropped shaped diamond is "frosted white with a pearlescent, metallic shine."

For now, Clark plans to keep the diamond for herself.

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