Royals fans actually showed up to Paul Rudd's mom's house for a kegger

Royals Fans Actually Showed Up To Paul Rudd's Mom's House For A Kegger
Royals Fans Actually Showed Up To Paul Rudd's Mom's House For A Kegger

It's no secret that Paul Rudd loves him some Kansas City Royals. You might remember that time the actor invited everyone to his mom's after the Royals advanced to the World Series in 2014.

Apparently people really like free beer. Rudd sat down with David Letterman this week and told the host that, much to his surprise, Royals fans took the invitation quite seriously.

Letterman went on to chide Rudd about the invitation, saying it sounded like a bonafide invite. And to be honest, if we were in town, we would have grabbed a bag of chips and headed to the party. Turns out it was all just a joke.

Good news, though, Rudd says if the Royal win the world series he's throwing a party at his moms with two kegs.

So far this season the Royals are second in their division with 11 wins and four losses so Rudd better start stocking up on red Solo cups.

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