Top 3 free comparison shopping apps

The Top Money-Saving Shopping Apps, From Trae Bodge
The Top Money-Saving Shopping Apps, From Trae Bodge

Here are our top 3 shopping apps that can help you save as you spend!

1. Redlaser: RedLaser is a barcode scanning app for price comparisons. You can scan any product to find out what it costs at local retailers. The app also allows you to purchase items and pick them up in store.

Available for: IOS, Android, and Windows Phone.

2. ShopSavvy: This barcode and QR scanner will show you product details and price comparisons so that ou can decide whether to buy in store or online. You can also create a list of items that you'll like to buy later, and recieve alerts as soom as the item is marked down.

Available for: IOS, Android, and Windows Phone.

3. TheFind: Connect to theFind with Facebook to set up a personalized shopping hub. Save your favorite stores and brands to your account and recieve alerts when your products go on sale. Use the mobile app to scan barcodes and recieve price alerts. You can also share scanned and searched items with friends.

Available for: Web, IOS, and Android

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