5 of Seth Rogen's greatest moments


These 30 Seconds of Seth Rogen Laughing Will Brighten Your Day
These 30 Seconds of Seth Rogen Laughing Will Brighten Your Day

Turns out, today is funny man Seth Rogen's birthday. First off, Happy Birthday! Many of us would love to be best buds with Seth. We could loop that video all day and never get bored. THAT LAUGH.

Seth has starred in some great movies. "Knocked Up," "Pineapple Express," "This is the End," "The Green Hornet," and most recently "Neighbors." His movies are hilarious and we wouldn't have it any other way.

In honor of his birthday, and just because he is a hilarious dude, we decided to round up some of the best moments from his career. Take a stroll down memory lane with us, and try not to smile. We. Dare. You.

Seth on "Tonight Show"
Seth makes a unique girl, yet Zac Efron looks amazing. Shocker. This video is certainly one of Seth's best.

Seth on Twitter
If you aren't following Seth on Twitter, you really should be. He's hilarious.

Seth on SNL
Seth on SNL sounds like a home run, right? Well it was. With the help of Andy Samberg, "The Fast and Bi-Curious" is laugh out loud parody.

Seth on Instagram

After following him on Twitter, you most definitely need to follow him on Instagram. Poor Zelda.

Zelda hurt her eyeball so we turned her into a satellite dish:

A photo posted by Seth (@sethrogen) on Nov 15, 2014 at 10:46am PST

Seth on YouTube
Thanks to the folks at Clevver Movies, they decided to create a montage of his greatest movie moments. Watch and enjoy.

If those moments weren't enough, take a look below to satisfy your Seth fix.

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