IRS says Colorado woman owed more than $43 million to Uncle Sam

Woman Shocked to Discover She Owes $43 Million in Taxes
Woman Shocked to Discover She Owes $43 Million in Taxes

LAKEWOOD, CO -- Ben Franklin is the one who told us that death and taxes are the only two things in life that are certain.

But a Colorado woman is pretty sure that "IRS mistakes" can be added to that short list.

Joyce Buckland got a big surprise when she tried to pay Uncle Sam's taxes online: $43,547,212.73 to be exact.

The service fee alone came to nearly one-million dollars.

"That's insane," Buckland says. "I have never seen that much money in all my life. All my friends together and I couldn't possibly come up with something like that."

The adjunct history professor called the IRS, but the taxman was no help. In fact, the IRS told her the problem would go away by itself once she made a standard payment.

"Somebody needs to do something about it. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would owe $43 million to anybody ever."

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