'History of Makeup' video makes us all happy to be alive in the 21st century

Women's Makeup Throughout History
Women's Makeup Throughout History

For most of us, makeup is a necessary tool to make sure we look alive on Monday and a fun hobby to play with on the weekends to kick it up a notch. We've spent hours ooo-ing and aahh-ing over video tutorials, because makeup these days can be as wild as we want it to be.

Want to wear green eyeliner? Cool. Big fan of lipstick? Whatever floats your boat.

But makeup throughout the history of civilization has been used to emulate high status and royalty, and there were some pretty strict beauty ideals to adhere to back in the day. Buzzfeed put together an awesome video of makeup throughout history and we've been watching it on repeat.

SPOILER ALERT: Unibrows used to be a super attractive thing in ancient times. Yes, you read that right.

Watch on repeat and thank your lucky stars that we live in an age where makeup is more of a "to each their own" kind of thing. If you're struck with a sudden wave of inspiration after watching, try some of the Instagram-approved looks below to get a little extra glam.

Don't be afraid to experiment with your look this summer! Check out these photos for a nudge in the right direction.

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