This pepper grinder may be the solution to your family's technology addiction

This Pepper Grinder Is the Solution to Your Family's Technology Addiction
This Pepper Grinder Is the Solution to Your Family's Technology Addiction

There's a pepper grinder that could be the solution to all of your technology addiction problems.

The Australian pasta sauce brand Dolmio has invented a pepper grinder that blocks Wi-Fi and can disable mobile devices and even turn off TVs.

Credit: Dolmio

This pepper grinder has remote device management software and also has actual pepper. Now, assuming that you've previously stolen all of your family phones to sync them with the pepper grinder, you can have a peaceful, family dinner free of Wi-Fi with one twist of the "Pepper Hacker."

It's still just a prototype, but perhaps it will be available to the public sometime soon -- maybe along with a salt shaker that automatically pays bills or red pepper flakes that remember family birthdays and anniversaries ...

We can dream, right?

Watch the pepper grinder work its magic in Dolmio's full video below:

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