This cute, cuddly, Instagram-famous cat has a story that may bring you to tears


👑 Male #Escapefoot Meowdel 👑 #pageanthumoms #americasnexttopmeowdel

A photo posted by @mycatkyle on Apr 1, 2015 at 5:13am PDT

Everyone, meet Kyle!

He's a loving, playful and clearly beyond-adorable kitty. He has three teeth, no claws, hip dysplasia, a crooked ear and a backstory that will seriously tug at your heartstrings. Kyle was witness to a murder.

Kyle was rescued five years ago from a home that was the complete opposite of "animal friendly." While living with more than 30 other furry buddies, he witnessed a terrifying domestic violence incident that eventually ended fatally. His previous owners, a married couple, were not living in a happy home themselves and unfortunately, Kyle was a part of it.

Luckily for Kyle and his several other furry little friends, animal rescue was able to secure them all, and begin searching for good homes through

It comes as no surprise that it wasn't long before Kyle found a new home -- I mean, just look at those adorable whiskers! This brave, black-and-white kitty is finally in a safe, nurturing environment and is as happy as can be. Now, Kyle and his owners are standing up as advocates against domestic violence.

In a mission to spread awareness about the terrible effects domestic violence has on pets and pet-owning families, Kyle has inspired others to share their domestic violence pet survival stories through social media.

🏀 # 1 Fan 🏀 #LetsGoDuke #SweetSixteen #MarchMadness #journeyTHROUGHthetourney

A photo posted by @mycatkyle on Mar 27, 2015 at 3:15pm PDT

His Instagram account, @mycatkyle, has more than 15K followers and actively uses the hashtag #CatsAgainstDV as part of its initiative.

The sad reality is that 70 percent of pet-owning women who enter DV shelters report that their batterer threatened, injured or killed their pet. This is a scary statistic for pet owners, families and truthfully, any human being capable of feeling. Up to 45 percent of women stay in abusive relationships out of concern for their pets' safety. Creating more pet-friendly facilities gives them a place to go with their fur family.

According to Kyle's owners, he still "flinches and runs away" anytime they attempt picking him up, although the end result is him coming right back and jumping in their lap -- so cute!

I don't always cross my paws, but when it do, it's #fantastical.

A photo posted by @mycatkyle on Mar 22, 2015 at 5:31pm PDT

If you're a huge pet lover like we are, you'll agree that Kyle's story is not only amazing, but completely inspiring. Not only is domestic violence an issue that should be taken seriously, but it's one that seriously affects the well being of any and all animals involved.

You can support Kyle's cause and help spread awareness against domestic violence at Charitable Ca$h 4 Kyle's Stache and -- an online store selling Kyle-related products, which donates 100 percent of the proceeds to a non-profit organization or charitable cause.

In addition, if you or anyone you know, living in the New York City area (furry friends included) is the subject of domestic violence, please refer to The Urban Resource Institute of NYC (URIPALS) -- a domestic violence center which shelters families and their pets.

To follow Kyle's journey and see all his kitty shenanigans, follow Kyle on Instagram (@mycatkyle)!


A photo posted by @mycatkyle on Mar 13, 2015 at 4:22pm PDT

Click through for more awkwardly funny and cute-as-a-button cats like Kyle below:

Still want more? Watch these adorable kittens in the video below:

20 Cats Who Hate Their Outfits
20 Cats Who Hate Their Outfits

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