Man returns giant bag of money he found on the highway

Man Returns Giant Bag Of Money He Found On The Highway
Man Returns Giant Bag Of Money He Found On The Highway

What would you do if you found a giant bag full of cash? Pocket the money and go on vacation? Maybe hit the casino? Invest it?

Well, one honest man in Utah did find a whole lot of money in the middle of the road, and he turned it all over to the police.

According to the Deseret News, Dan Kennedy was driving down state road 80 near Salt Lake City when something fell off the truck in front of him.

Kennedy pulled over to remove the traffic hazard, but when he went to pick up the large orange bag, he couldn't lift it.

Turns out the 75-pound bag was full of cold hard cash.

The good samaritan picked up the moolah and called the police.

The money fell off of a Brinks truck, a company that specializes in armored transportation of cash.

Apparently, that armor couldn't keep the money locked away when it hit a little bump in the road.

And Brinks might want to get the latches on their armored fleet checked out. Last year a man in Fresno found a Brinks bag containing nearly $125,000. Like Kennedy the man returned the cash, and Brinks made a $5,000 donation to the salvation army for his good deed.

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