Baby's traffic death prompts emotional city council meeting
A baby who was not even a year old was killed in front of her mother on a San Diego crosswalk -- and now heartbroken residents are speaking out to their city council.
Seven-month-old Juniper Aavang's father was pushing her stroller through a crosswalk Monday when they were hit by an SUV, all while the girl's mother was just feet away witnessing it all.
"It's a horrible location for a crosswalk," one resident said.
Another resident added, "You think you're supposed to cross there, and it's absolutely the most dangerous place to cross the road."
Juniper did not survive the crash. Her father was last listed in critical condition.
As KGTV reports, the driver of the SUV, a 47-year-old man, got out to help Juniper and her father. He later said a palm tree was blocking his view when the accident happened.
That palm tree has since been been removed, but community members are now pushing for the city to do something about the dangerous crosswalk.
"Residents have pleaded with city and local authorities to remedy this situation, yet the concerns have remained unheard," a woman said at the meeting.
At Tuesday's meeting, one woman representing a nonprofit working to stop traffic fatalities spent nearly half a minute attempting to gain her composure to speak. She was given two minutes to voice her opinion.
The woman told the council, "I'm having trouble this morning. I'm a mother. A 9 and an 11-year-old, and this really hits home."
Another woman, who knew the family, collected signatures to present to the board. She reportedly reached her goal of 1,000 after the meeting.
Quoted by KGTV, she said, "It is only a matter of time before this tragedy repeats itself."
Some of those attending the meeting pushed for the area where the crash occurred to be made into a park in honor of Juniper.
One council member told the group she is making traffic safety a top priority. No charges have been filed in the accident.
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