Man 'proposes' to girlfriend every day for 365 days

Man Asks Woman To Marry Him for 365 Days
Man Asks Woman To Marry Him for 365 Days

Think your proposal took a lot of planning? Well, you haven't heard Dean's plan yet.

When Dean decided to ask Jennifer to be his wedded wife, he didn't just impulsively buy a ring and ask. Instead, he waited a whole year and secretly 'asked' her every day on a white board, no matter where he was. The venture started on January 8, 2014.

Dean said the 365 days of sweet proposals was all to show Jennifer that he thinks about her "literally every moment of every day."

After he had a full year of proposals ready, he put a video of his daily requests together and Jennifer (and her family) all headed to Aruba for a vacation.

As the group looked on, Jennifer watched Dean's sweet video on the beach. "I just wanted to let you know how much I love you, how incredibly smart, funny, caring and stunningly beautiful you are," Smith said in the clip. "To me, you are perfect." Then, she was asked to turn around.

She was overwhelmed with emotion when she saw Dean standing in a suit ... with the final white board note.

Oh, and by the way -- she said yes.

Do you have a great proposal story? Share the love in the comments.

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