Guest Editors The Cousins answer your questions


1. If you can only spend $1000-$2000 on a kitchen spruce-up, what's the best use of the money?

Anthony: A backsplash that you can install yourself. That way you can spend all the money on some great tile, install supplies will be cheap as well.

John: Find a focal point that is the main area in your kitchen and exploit it. It could be a backsplash, appliance or light fixture you want people to walk into your kitchen and notice there has been a big change. Also with any of those three items you can always add onto them when you have more money to spend.

2. Balance in life is key, any tips?

Anthony: Finding time to yourself is key and will be restorative, so you can continue doing all the things you love. Meditation, gym or yoga are great options.

John: The key is to take on one thing at a time. Stay focused on your one task and do it to the best of your ability. Move onto the next task and repeat the same. One thing you need to always remember is to take time for yourself. As a parent, lover, friend and entrepreneur there are always people depending on you. They want you to look out for them. You need to step back and take care of yourself while doing this. Stay fit, eat healthy and splurge on yourself because you deserve it. You only live once so you need to make the most of it. NO REGRETS in life!

3. What are your signature recipes to make and why are they your favorites?

Anthony: My burgers! Also, [I] love making breaded lemon rosemary chicken cutlets and my mom's string bean salad. They're my favorite because I'm good at making them!

John: I am a breakfast fanatic! I can eat breakfast food for any meal, morning or night. I love making an egg white omelette with spinach, tomatoes, onions, mushrooms and feta. Pair that with a side of turkey bacon and you are getting a ton of protein and not many calories. When it comes time to making regular meals at night, I am a huge fan of stir-fry. It is so easy to make and takes 15 minutes. With all the work I do, I am looking for a complete meal that does not have a lot of prep. I mix it up with either steak, chicken or fish, mixed vegetables, brown rice and the stir-fry sauce. DONE! It could not be easier and you get everything you need for a healthy balanced meal.

4. What are your travel carry-on essentials?

Anthony: Wireless noise canceling headphones. iPad mini. iPhone. Chargers. Deodorant. Heathy snacks. Domestic and international are the same. For red eyes, I take melatonin and magnesium to sleep and not wake up groggy.

John: iPad. Charging cords. Headphones. GQ mag. Dwell mag. HGTV mag. A book. Almonds for a snack. Purell. Black out shades for the red eyes I take.

5. What's the best way to paint a garage floor and have it not peel up?


  1. Paint when it is over 60 degrees.

  2. Clean. Wire brush. Clean again.

  3. Prime.

  4. Use GOOD outdoor paint and make sure to apply two coats.

John: Make sure you get all the dust and dirt off the floor first. Clean the garage floor well before applying paint. When you get a warm day you can apply the paint, but make sure it is capable of adhering to concrete and withstanding the weight of a car.

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