Can pot use lead to homelessness?

Colo. Shelters Link Pot, Rise in Homelessness
Colo. Shelters Link Pot, Rise in Homelessness

Richard Marshall moved from Oklahoma City to Colorado to take advantage of legal marijuana. He found a harsh reality upon arrival. He thought it was going to be a "big party, I thought everyone was just high. I thought it was big cloud and everyone was just living in it."

After losing his job in the oil industry, Marshall sold all his belongings and moved to Colorado. He was just one of hundreds who moved to the region after being drawn to legal marijuana. Many were surprised by the high costs of legal marijuana. And Marshall was surprised how hard entry was into the legal marijuana industry, where prerequisites like residency matter.

Over the past five years homelessness in Colorado has experienced a downwards trend. But 2013 marked a slight uptick. Although the "green rush" didn't work out for individuals like Richard Marshal, he is optimistic other opportunities will pan out.

Watch the video above to learn more about the relationship between legal marijuana and homelessness in Colorado.

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