Dad shatters glass at York Ice Arena after ref's call

Hockey Dad Shatters Glass After Referee's Call
Hockey Dad Shatters Glass After Referee's Call

A Florida man got so hot at the York ice rink last weekend, hit the rink's glass and shattered it during the middle of a kids' hockey tournament ... and it was all caught on camera.

FOX 43 reports: The man didn't like a ref's call at his daughter's hockey game, and his reaction not only surprised him, but also almost everyone at the ice rink. Just by the sounds of the video, you can tell people in the stands don't like the ref's call.

One hit to the glass with his wedding ring -- it's a blooper folks didn't expect to see in Central Pennsylvania. We watched the YouTube video, with hundreds of thousands of views, with the York Revolution President, Eric Menzer. He manages the ice rink.

"My reaction is, 'what were you thinking?' To be so intent and upset about a youth sports activity that you would go to that extent?" said Menzer.

Menzer says what the man hit is tempered glass, just like what you see in the pros. Typically a puck breaks it, not a fist. He's seen his fair share of upset parents, but never to this extreme.

"It's one thing obviously to be intense, it's another thing to take it to the point where you're throwing a punch whether it's at somebody or something," said Menzer.

Ice rink general manager, Mike Cleveland agrees. The man in the video got out of hand, but he probably didn't mean to break the glass. Cleveland said this video shouldn't paint a picture of every hockey parent out there.

"There's a lot of good in this game and we certainly don't want one situation to shed a bad light on the game of hockey," said Cleveland.

The glass was fixed almost immediately after it broke. Cleveland said the rink keeps a few spares around, but it's going to cost the man who broke it about $500. He also faces a disciplinary board hearing with his daughter's team from Florida. On top of that, he's banned from the York Ice Arena forever.

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