US Senate finally admits climate change is real -- but remains adamant humans are not the cause



The U.S. Senate has finally admitted climate change is real -- but with a caveat.

Senators voted 98-1 Wednesday in support of legislation approving the controversial Keystone XL pipeline that included an amendment also forced the politicians to concede climate change is "not a hoax."

Democrats forced the additional language into the bill as they continue to oppose the pipeline on grounds it will accelerate climate change.

The amendment asked lawmakers to acknowledge "that climate change is real and not a hoax," a direct shot a Senator James Inhofe (R-OK)

Inhofe infamously called climate change "a hoax" only last year but surprisingly supported the amendment.

"Climate is changing," Inhofe reportedly said just before the vote was tallied, "and climate has always changed."

Senate Agrees Climate Change Is Happening, Just Not on Why
Senate Agrees Climate Change Is Happening, Just Not on Why

Inhofe still stood firm on the idea that humans are not causing the environment to warm.

The Keystone XL pipeline will transport oil sands from Alberta, Canada, to Texas, which many opponents say will only harm the environment by encouraging Canadian firms to expand fracking operations.

Fracking, also known as hydraulic fracturing, extracts materials from deep underground through the use of highly pressurized chemicals.

Most scientists agree climate change is real, and that it is caused by humans.

Fourteen of the 15 hottest years on Earth have occurred since 2000.

Last year was the warmest ever recorded.

Related links:
The heat is on: NOAA, NASA say 2014 was warmest year on record
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