Triple H ditches tough guy act, consoles sad little kid

WWE Wrestler Triple H Proves He's Not Such A Tough Guy
WWE Wrestler Triple H Proves He's Not Such A Tough Guy

Fans of the WWE know wrestler Triple H to be one of the fiercest guys in the biz -- but out of the ring, turns out he's a bit of a sweetheart.

During Monday Night Raw this past week, Triple H was sitting ringside when a young fan approached him from behind. Wrestling fan and Twitter user Chris Olds tweeted out a series of images capturing what happened next.

Triple H, real name Paul Michael Levesque, noticed the boy, and also saw that he was crying.

Olds told, "Turns out kid was crying - either scared by Triple H looking at him or from what was going on [in the ring.]"

Triple H broke out of his tough guy character, stood up and consoled the fan. Later on he gave the boy a stack of merchandise and even invited him backstage for a personal tour.

Triple H; Who knew he was such a softy?

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