QVC host and Isaac Mizrahi have no clue what the moon is

Nope, The Moon Still Isn't A Star Or A Planet
Nope, The Moon Still Isn't A Star Or A Planet

Hosts and product representatives on the QVC shopping network have to be prepared to talk for as long as it takes for any particular product to hopefully sell out, but things got a little out-of-this-world weird Monday.

Shawn Killinger and fashion designer Isaac Mizrahi argued over whether the moon is a planet or a star -- all while trying to sell a cardigan.

Check out the original video here:

"Isn't the moon a star?" Killinger asked. "No, the moon is a planet, darling," Mizrahi shot back. "The moon is not a planet," Killinger said. "What else is it if it's not a planet?" Mizrahi asked.

Although sweaters and astronomy don't really seem like they'd go together, that random argument began after Killinger remarked that the green version of the sweater resembled what Earth would look like from the moon.

Here's a transcript of the astronomy lesson gone wrong:

Shawn: It almost kind of looks like what the earth looks like when you're a bazillion miles away from the planet moon. The planet moon [laughs, corrects herself] ... From the moon looking back at the earth.

Isaac: From the planet moon ...

Shawn: Isn't the moon a star?

Isaac: No, the moon is a planet, darling.

Shawn: The sun is a star. Is the moon really a planet? Don't look at me like that! The sun is a star. Is the sun not a star?

Isaac: I don't know what the sun is.

Shawn: The sun is a star, isn't it? (a producer corrects her via her ear piece) The moon is not a planet. I KNEW IT! You were trying to take me down that road.

Isaac: The moon is not a planet! Wait, excuse me ...

Turns out, neither one knew what he or she was talking about. Universe Today defines a moon as "a celestial body that makes an orbit around a planet."

Turns out, neither Isaac nor Shawn knew what he or she was talking about.

Earth's moon is also sometimes referred to as a natural satellite because it moves around Earth. ABC decided to find out who else knows the truth about the moon.

"Is the moon a star or a planet?" ABC reporter Nick Watt asked. "No, it's neither. It's a moon," a girl said. "How old are you?" Watt asked. "Seven," the girl replied.

So it seems this is something we should have learned by second grade.

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