700-year-old mummy may have solved murder mystery

Mummy Used To Solve Mystery 700-Year-Old Italian Murder Mystery
Mummy Used To Solve Mystery 700-Year-Old Italian Murder Mystery

Researchers may have finally solved a 700 year old murder mystery.

As reported by Livescience, forensic scientists in Italy performed an autopsy on the mummy of Cangrande Della Scala, a Renaissance-era warlord, and found that his sudden death wasn't brought on by illness. Instead, he may have been poisoned.

What researchers and historians know is that the Italian nobleman died suddenly in 1329 at the age of 38. It was written he drank from a polluted spring, but there have long been rumors he was the victim of foul play.

In 2004, researchers performed a modern autopsy on the nearly 700 year old remains.

The team published their findings in the World Congress on Mummy Studies, writing, "There is a large quantity of pollens of chamomile, black mulberry and, totally unexpected, of foxglove in the feces. In the middle ages chamomile was largely used as a sedative and antispasmodic, and black mulberry as astringent; on the contrary foxglove was considered only a poisonous plant."

Apparently,there was enough of the plant to be lethal and it may have been given to the Italian nobleman disguised as medicine.

Further proof, one of Cangrande's doctors was executed by his successor.

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