Wine director fails at bottle-opening trick on live TV

Wine Director Fails at Bottle-Opening Trick on Live TV
Wine Director Fails at Bottle-Opening Trick on Live TV

Opening a Champagne bottle with nothing but your bare hands and a knife can be a pretty cool party trick -- but only if you nail it.

Emily Walker, wine director for Four Seasons Vancouver, did not -- and she showed the world.

"One, two ... That is not how it's usually done," Walker says, laughing.

After her fail, she let Global News anchor Steve Darling try it, and he fared just about as well as she did.

Although he didn't get Champagne all over himself.

What the two were trying to do is called "sabering." It's that cool trick where you whisk the Champagne cork off with a knife.

According to, you're supposed to removed the wire cage around the cork first, something Walker and Darling didn't do.

Maybe that's where they went wrong.

Word to the wise -- don't try this at home if you're not an expert.

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