More cities ban sledding

More Cities Ban Sledding
More Cities Ban Sledding

Cities across the U.S. are reportedly banning fun.

Dubuque, Iowa is the latest to join a long list of cities that have banned sledding over liability concerns. It prohibited the activity in all but two of its 50 parks after it was suggested by the city's insurance carrier.

A study found between 1997 and 2007 more than 20,000 kids were treated at emergency rooms for sledding injuries across the country.

During that time, numerous cities paid upward of $2 million to those injured. The unfortunate trend even hit Canada. Hamilton, Ontario restricted sledding, threatening to fine anyone up to $5,000 if they're caught.

A petition quickly went up demanding the right to toboggan.

But not all cities are going straight for a ban. The Associated Press notes Des Moines, Iowa - Montville, New Jersey - Lincoln, Nebraska and others have only placed restrictions on the winter activity, or posted signs warning sledders of the risk.

No agency is currently keeping track of how many cities have banished sledding but we can see how it can be viewed as dangerous as it is fun.

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