Report: Cosby hired investigators to discredit rape accusers

Cosby Hires Investigators To 'Dig Up Dirt' On Rape Accusers, Report
Cosby Hires Investigators To 'Dig Up Dirt' On Rape Accusers, Report

A new report claims Bill Cosby has hired a team of investigators to dig up dirt on all of his rape accusers.

According to a report published by the New York Post's Page Six, the 77-year-old comedian and his attorney, Martin Singer, are paying six figure fees to private investigators for any information that might discredit the dozens of women who claim he raped them.

One of the several sources claims Cosby told his legal team, "If you're going to say to the world that I did this to you, then the world needs to know, 'What kind of person are you? Who is this person that's saying it?' "

His legal team is calling it a scorched earth strategy -- where, similar to the military tactic involving the destruction of anything useful to your enemy, his team will use anything negative from accuser's pasts against them.

A separate source told Page Six the tactic is already working to some degree. Specifically, in the case of former supermodel Beverly Johnson. Johnson accused Cosby of drugging her cappuccino during a visit to his home in the 80s.

That source said, "They were able to find out information about Beverly Johnson's boyfriend who said she only had good things to say about cosby. We found out that Beverly never told her live-in lover of several years what she's now telling the media and we found that to be strange."

Cosby and Singer have not yet commented on hiring private investigators, but they haven't commented on much of anything pertaining to the dozens of rape allegations.

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