Entire crew of 'Today' join in on morning show musical

Entire Crew of 'Today' Join In on Morning Show Musical
Entire Crew of 'Today' Join In on Morning Show Musical

The anchors on NBC's "Today" show aren't the only ones with talent.

"For a brand-new future and a brand-new day," Sal Cacciato sang while rehearsing.

Sal Cacciato has worked as a stagehand for the morning show for the last eight years, which means he's in charge of all the props that go on set.

He's one of the big stars featured in "Today: The Musical," a special that aired during the show's fourth hour Monday morning -- and Cacciato's not the only unexpected talent in the musical.

Maybe being able to carry a tune is a job requirement for working at NBC?

Back in August, word of this morning-show musical got out after it was revealed Kathie Lee Gifford had written the 18-minute-long piece.

Gifford, of course, co-hosts the fourth hour of "Today"along with Hoda Kotb.

The duo, who may be best known for sipping wine on their show, have turned the morning show's fourth hour into ratings success for the network.

Gifford even got her former co-host Regis Philbin to lend his vocal talents to her musical.

Of course, we already knew Philbin could sing. He took over the mic and sang "Show Business" during an episode of "America's Got Talent" back in its first season.

As you've probably heard, NBC is pretty big into musicals these days.

Besides this mini musical, it's also produced successful television specials of "Peter Pan" and "The Sound of Music."

While TV critics were pretty harsh when it came to reviewing the two big-production musicals, we're thinking the morning-show musical will be more favored.

If you want to check out the mini production, NBC uploaded the full video to its website.

Check out the video below, and hear Sal sing at 3:15:

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