London's melting house is barely visible now

Watch a Wax House Melt Down in 30 Days
Watch a Wax House Melt Down in 30 Days

The melting house is now barely visible -- save for its roof. The two-story wax house exhibit in London has been melting since it was put up in September.

It's called 'A Pound of Flesh for 50P.' Artist Alex Chinneck worked with chemists and engineers over the course of a year to develop bricks out of paraffin wax that were both visually convincing and that would give just the right effect when melted. The melting has been controlled by heaters, and now there's an incredible time lapse of the decaying exhibition.

The art installation for London's Merge Festival is made of 8,000 bricks along with wax windows, shutters and door, and built the two-story house out of them on the site of a former candle factory to pay tribute to the area's heritage.

The installation went up in September and the melting has been controlled by heaters -- now, the house is barely even a roof.

See the more of the melting house below:

Creepy London House Is Melting Away
Creepy London House Is Melting Away

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