How to fold napkins perfectly for the holiday table

Simple, Elegant Thanksgiving Napkin Fold
Simple, Elegant Thanksgiving Napkin Fold

This is a simple and elegant way to pull together your Thanksgiving table setting! Fold your napkins like a pro and add festive details for a practical and decorative touch before the holiday feast. This tutorial is quick and easy, especially if you have some extra hands in the kitchen.

What you'll need:
Solid Linen Napkins

1. Start by laying your napkin flat in front of you
2. Fold your bottom end up to center and the top end down to center
3. Now flip it over, keeping all the folds in tact
4. Take the right side and fold it into center
5. Take the left side and fold it into center
6. Then take the two ends you have now, and fold them over each other to form perfect pockets within the napkin
7. You can place anything from silverware to decorative herbs, spices, leaves, or name tags

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