Football coach gets surprise wedding on the field

Woman Surprises Fiance With Wedding on Football Field
Woman Surprises Fiance With Wedding on Football Field

We're bringing you the story of a surprise wedding in North Carolina. To make it even sweeter, the groom, who's also a football coach, had no idea his bride was about to surprise him with a wedding, on his very own football field.

As you can see, Ian Roper was brought to the middle of the field and left there, not sure why. That is, until he heard he and his fiancée Robin's song "History in the Making." Once that started playing, Robin came out of a limo, wearing a wedding gown and walked down the "green" aisle to a very surprised Ian.

We spoke to Robin and Ian on Skype, and he was totally shocked by what happened. At first he thought it was something to do with his new job as a coach at Swain County High School.

Ian said, "I had no idea what was going on, even when they had me in the middle of the field. I thought it was a new coach initiation or something."

The happy couple have known each other since high school, but started courting one another a few years ago. "Courting" is a word specifically used by the newlyweds:

Robin explained, "We knew we were going to be getting married before we even had our first kiss. So, we knew that's where we were headed and people would ask us how long we were dating and we would say, 'We're not dating; We're courting,' and they're like, 'Well, what's the difference?' and we said, 'Well, it's dating with intention.'"

Robin told us when her original venue idea wasn't going to work out, she thought of the football field wedding and made it happen in about seven weeks. She even contacted some family who lived far away to make sure they could be there.

And to add to the happy ending, Ian's team won the night of the wedding, too.

Ian said, "I would have been a nervous wreck had I known the wedding were happening afterwards leading up to the game, because of 'oh gosh, what if we lose?'"

Robin adds, "It was actually snowing, you can't see that on the video."

But the team won! Although, we're sure even if Ian's team did lose, seeing Robin in her dress would have made it all better.

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