Soldier surprises wife hours after she gave birth

VIRAL: Soldier Surprises Wife Hours After She Gave Birth
VIRAL: Soldier Surprises Wife Hours After She Gave Birth

Have we got a tearjerker for you.

Sgt. John Vorrath watched the birth of his baby girl Charlotte on his iPad while he served in the Middle East. His commander saw and told him his leave to go home to Iowa was granted. And this is the video of his surprise trip home.

Vorrath's sweet reaction was priceless: "Oh my gosh, look at her ... she's so small."

About 15 minutes later, the couple's 2-year-old son came into the hospital room, too. He hadn't seen his father since his deployment.

"Come here, buddy! You're so big, you're so big," Vorrath said to his son.

Sgt. Vorrath will be on leave for a week before returning overseas for duty, according to WHO-TV.

Robin Meade really summed it up for us: "That's incredible."

Incredible, cute, adorable ... good luck not crying. Check out the full video on YouTube. You can get a link in our transcript.

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