Dying father records videos for newborn son

Dying Father Records Videos For Newborn Son
Dying Father Records Videos For Newborn Son

Dr. Ian Davis was diagnosed with a fatal disease three years ago, and since then he's been tackling a bucket list that includes big dreams like performing with Pearl Jam and paragliding.

Davis has motor neuron disease, which causes the brain and muscles to gradually weaken, making things like speaking, walking and even breathing incredibly difficult, and sometimes even impossible.

He was given three to five years to live. But his biggest achievement hasn't been playing with his favorite band or making his own beer--it's living to see the birth of his son.

He's taken to recording videos of himself reading children's book so his new son Archie has something to remember him by.

So Archie will still grow up hearing his dad read him books like "Green Eggs and Ham" and "How to Catch a Star."

Last year, Dr. James Wolf was motivated to do the same thing--to give his daughter memorable moments he wouldn't live to see.

He was dying of pancreatic cancer and didn't want to miss out on his daughter's wedding day, so she put on a white dress and the two pre-recorded the father-daughter dance.

Watch Davis's brave '60 Minutes' segment below:

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