Alabama House Speaker Mike Hubbard indicted

Alabama House Speaker Mike Hubbard Indicted
Alabama House Speaker Mike Hubbard Indicted

One of Alabama's most powerful politicians was indicted on 23 felony corruption charges Monday.

House speaker Mike Hubbard surrendered to authorities after years of accusations and an investigation into whether he used his political office for personal gain, voted for legislation with a conflict of interest and solicited favors from politicians and business leaders, among other things.

The 52-year-old has said for months the charges were politically motivated and called the investigation a "witch hunt."

"I think it is pretty clear right now that's exactly what it is. It's been going on for two years, dragging on and on and here they come two weeks before an election and make these allegations. The fact is we've done some great things in this state and some powerful people don't like it."

"I'll tell you what, I'm sleeping well at night because i know the people of Lee County can see this for what it is and that's politics at its worst."

Hubbard plans to address the media later Tuesday. If convicted, he faces a maximum penalty of 20 years imprisonment and fines of up to $300,000 for each count.

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