New emotional video of Ebola patient Nina Pham

Hospital Releases Video of Ebola-Stricken Nurse
Hospital Releases Video of Ebola-Stricken Nurse

A newly-released video by Texas Presbyterian Hospital shows Nina Pham, one of two nurses who contracted Ebola after treating a patient in Dallas, speaking from her bed on Thursday before being transferred to Maryland for further treatment.

In the video posted online at the request of Pham herself, the Ebola-stricken nurse says goodbye to her Dallas medical colleagues before heading to the National Institutes of Health hospital in Bethesda, Maryland.

"Thanks for getting well," critical care medicine chief Dr. Gary Weinstein said. "Thanks for being part of the volunteer team to take care of our first patient."

"We're really proud of you," he continues.

After jokingly inviting her friends to visit her in Maryland, the moment becomes a tearful farewell.

"I love you guys," Pham says.

More Ebola coverage:
Nina Pham, Ebola-stricken nurse, being flown to Washington
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