Cat included in Australian home sale, garners extra $120K

Cat Included In Home Sale, Garners Extra $120K
Cat Included In Home Sale, Garners Extra $120K

A cat in Australia has helped a couple sell their home. Potential buyers were so enamored by the feline named Tiffany, that a sellers added a clause to the contract saying she's included in sale of the residence. Because of that seemingly radical approach, the cat's owners, the Perceval family is a whole lot richer. On Saturday, the Percevals auctioned off their 5 bedroom property. Bidding for the house initially stopped at around 2 million Australian dollars or 1.75 million US dollars.

The family's real estate agent soon learned that a party was indeed interested in the home, but only if the beautiful feline was included. The Percevals agreed to the condition and the bidder then put in an offer of just over 1.9 million US dollars, which is about $120,000 US dollars more than the previous price. The Percevals admit that they're sad to leave their beloved Tiffany and reportedly their 19-year-old son Sam isn't too thrilled. He purchased the cat four years ago and developed quite a bond with her. The family's real estate agent remarked, "I've had plenty of people say they'll throw in their partners but not pets. It's a first."

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