Has Toshiba launched a racist ad campaign?



Is a new ad campaign by electronics giant Toshiba racist?

A series of print ads for new thinner tablets raised more than a few eyebrows after many people have said they look like Asian eyes.

Two tablets are placed at across from each other at an angle with the words "thin Japanese tablets" underneath.

They were created by the Señor ad agency, in Croatia, to promote the new product in the country.

Señor unveiled the possibly racist advertisements at a festival under the title "Kosooki," which, according to Mic News, is the Croatian equivalent of a racist English slur normally targeted at Asian people.

The ads are on billboards, in train stations and many other places, and reaction to them online has been less than positive.

For a company whose slogan is "leading innovation," Toshiba's advertisements are firmly stuck in another time.

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