Baby's reaction to dad's first shave will turn you to mush

Baby's Reaction To Dad's First Shave Will Turn You To Mush
Baby's Reaction To Dad's First Shave Will Turn You To Mush

Babies are awesome. They can do cool things, learn multiple languages with ease, hear and smell as well as adults and swallow and breathe at the same time. It doesn't sound impressive, but you try doing it (you can't).

Even though babies are pretty cool, there are some things that can escape their comprehension ... like shaving.

A one-year-old little girl made a shocking discovery seeing her daddy's freshly shaved face for the very first time. Since she was born, her daddy always rocked some scruff and the newly groomed papa took a bit of getting used to.

The YouTube video was uploaded by the tot's mom, Rebekah Hills back in September, and it has racked up over 250,000 views. Buzzfeed was first to cover the adorable story, and it soon was picked up by sites like Daily Mail and Elite Daily.

After some examination, a sniff test and a nuzzle or two, the baby seemed like she was okay with the new and improved daddy -- which is a good thing because it doesn't always go so smoothly.

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