How much sleep you get might depend on where you live?

How Much Sleep You Get Might Depend on Where You Live
How Much Sleep You Get Might Depend on Where You Live

Where you live might affect when you go to bed.

Fitness tracker manufacturer Jawbone has analyzed data from more than 1 million people who wear its wristbands to rank American counties by latest average bedtime.

According to the data, Brooklyn residents stay up latest, while people in the Hawaiian counties of Maui and Kauai tuck themselves in the earliest.

Looking at results, it seems residents living on the eastern edge of each time zone go to bed earlier, while those living on the western edge of each time zone go to bed later.

Jawbone's blog post explains: "Let's look at the Central Time Zone. It's 6pm, and the sun has gone down in the middle of Kentucky. It's also 6pm in western Kansas, almost 1000 miles away, but the sun will not go down for another hour. So people go to bed later in the western edge of the timezone than the eastern edge."

Jawbone suggests this is due to the amount of daylight residents receive, which in turn influences circadian rhythms. Your circadian rhythm is largely based on the production of the hormone melatonin. Melatonin makes you feel tired, and sunlight reduces melatonin production.

Even artificial light stops melatonin production, which is why working on computers or watching TV just before bed isn't a good idea if you have problems falling asleep.

When considering Jawbone's results, it's important to note there's been some skepticism about the accuracy of fitness trackers. LiveScience reports, "Experts say that while most trackers can in theory tell when a person is awake versus asleep, they are prone to mistakes."

Plus, we should remind you- these results are based solely on individuals who buy and use fitness trackers.

Still, the results offer us insight as to why some of us are sleeping more than others. One big takeaway from Jawbone's info: People living in cities don't get nearly enough sleep.

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