Diner owner lets patrons decide prices, triples revenue

Diner Owner Lets Patrons Decide Prices, Gets Big Payout
Diner Owner Lets Patrons Decide Prices, Gets Big Payout

Typically it's good business sense to have set prices for things, but one restaurant owner in North Carolina has found just the opposite to be true.

The restaurant's owner, Dana Parris told Gaston Gazette: "People pay when they come to the register, and we just say, 'What was it worth?' Some people think we are a little strange. ... this is a God-filled business."

Dana Parris, the owner of Just Cookin', says she let God take over her cash register -- she now asks patrons to pay whatever they want for their food.

And Parris says revenue has tripled since she decided to stop charging customers a set price back in September. She told The Christian Post she was only going to try it out for a week.

But Parris' daughter told us on Facebook the plan is now indefinite. And from the looks of her page, nearly all the comments have been positive.

Although, we found one critic who said she's using God to promote her business. Greg J Svedek posted on their Facebook page,"instead depending on god to bail you out how about using the free will he gave you and learn how to run your business ... you are hoping people give more than meal is worth ..."

Parris told The Christian Post most of her naysayers on social media aren't even from her neck of the woods. Although the commenter we just highlighted actually is from the state.

Now, this isn't the only place in America that works on the honor system. Check out this coffee shop in North Dakota.

KVRR reports, "When David Brekke and his wife, Kimberly, opened the shop ... they decided it was fitting to allow people to serve themselves and pay on the honor system."

Brekke says, "At the end of the day, people are 15 percent more generous than thieving."

Seems the honor system works! As for Parris, she says she has been able to feed some people who couldn't afford to pay, and many have overpaid. She says she has been "blessed."

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