On this day in History: OJ Simpson was acquitted of double murder, October 3, 1994

The OJ Simpson Trial
The OJ Simpson Trial

On October 3rd in 1994, OJ Simpson was acquitted of double murder charges. The former Heisman Winner and Buffalo Bills player was accused of the murder of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman. There was convincing evidence against OJ but Simpson's legal team strategically placed doubt in the legitimacy of the evidence and used police racism as a strong defense point. The jury took just over 3 hours to deliberate and ultimately acquit OJ Simpson of the charges.

Other Events on October 3rd in History:
: American President, Abraham Lincoln, announced that the nation would officially observe the Thanksgiving Holiday on November 26, 1863.
1932: Iraq gains independence after 17 years of British rule.
1964: Actor, Clive Owen, was born in Coventry, England.
1990: East and West German reunified, less than a year after the destruction of the Berlin Wall.
2013: Twitter filed it's initial public offering.

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