Bride's dress train is miles long

This Wedding Dress Train Is Miles Long
This Wedding Dress Train Is Miles Long

Lace or tulle, long or cocktail, embellished or simple -- you have a lot of options as a bride-to-be when you're choosing your gown ... but recording breaking is not usually one of them.

For this bride in China, a simple train would just not do. Check out her epically long, record breaking wedding dress. It stretches over rows and rows and rows of greenery to create some incredible photos. Yahoo! is reporting that it took 40 bridesmaids to help the bride actually carry her lengthy dress.

How lengthy is that dress, you ask? Seems like people lost count. Reports have the train clocking in somewhere between 2.5 to 3 miles and costing between $6,000-$8,000 thousand dollars.

Not unreasonable by US standards but according The New York Times the annual income for families in China was a little over $2,000 dollars in 2012.

The bride told Yahoo! that her gown actually broke the world record. "It started off as a mad idea and then we thought we could actually make it happen," she said. "We're both delighted with the result and we are definitely going to contact the Guinness World Records to get them to agree that this is an official record breaking dress."

Whether or not Guiness will agree is another story. There are some reports that the blushing bride is actually a blushing model just doing a photo shoot. Either way, that is still one impressive dress.

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