Late-Night Host Trashes Late-Night Shows ... on Late-Night Shows

Late-Night Host Trashes Late-Night Shows on Late-Night Shows
Late-Night Host Trashes Late-Night Shows on Late-Night Shows

Craig Ferguson is retiring from "The Late Late Show" later this year, and this week we learned what might have motivated him. Apparently, the gig will DESTROY YOUR SOUL and KILL YOU SLOWLY INSIDE.

He spent the week bashing late-night on - where else - a couple late-night shows.

Ferguson told Seth Meyers: "I think anyone who does a TV show over and over and over again, you're gonna go crazy. You're gonna go crazy. I know you think you're not gonna go crazy, you're gonna go (expletive) crazy, Seth."

And on "Watch What Happens Live," he toldwith Andy Cohen: "You're gonna lose your mind, man. Like all the people that like you now, you'll stop trusting them."

Quite the swan song. Nothing like ending on a chipper note and giving the hosts of the future something to look forward to.

Ferguson has always been candid, telling Variety in April he wanted to leave the show while it was still something he enjoyed -- though it's sounding like it's not something he still enjoys.

He's on to new endeavors, though, come December when he leaves late-night for good. Next, he will be hosting "Celebrity Name Game."

... Technically, isn't that just another show that he could be doing over and over again until he eventually can't take it anymore?

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