Final supermoon of season mesmerizes onlookers worldwide


The moon has not let the world down this summer, gracing us with three spectacular supermoons.

If you recall, a supermoon is a full moon making a closer-than-usual orbit to Earth, causing it to appear atypically large.

But Tuesday night was the grand finale -- and astronomers and photographers ran out in droves to snap rare images of the summer's final showing, categorized as a 'harvest moon,' because 'it is the full moon closest to the autumnal equinox of 22 September.

And in case you missed the last supermoon on August 10-11, 2014, here are all the spectacular photos:

And here's the supermoon from July:

But it's not just professional photographers getting in on the goods. One amateur photographer could have fooled us all with the series he shot during the August showing. Check out his images below.
