Vast majority of AOL readers vote against raising fast food wages



The majority of people responding to an AOL News poll think the "Fight for $15" doesn't add up.

A resounding 83 percent of readers answered no when asked if they backed the effort to raise fast food wages to $15 per hour. Another 14 percent were in favor of the idea and four percent were not sure.

The sign waving, chanting and marching in front of fast food restaurants from Times Square to San Diego, and many places in between, is part of a movement aimed at giving those employees what they consider to be a living wage.

The "Fight for $15," as it is called, demands these workers receive raises of about 66 percent from the roughly $9.07 an hour that is currently offered to the average McDonald's or Burger King employee.

Conservative think tank Heritage Group has argued these employees and their unions are failing to think outside the bun when looking at fast food economics.

The average burger joint subsists on paper-thin margins, earning a profit of only about $27,000 a year, according to the non-profit.

Each full-time $15 per hour employee earns a yearly salary of about $30,00 a year.

The vast majority of AOL readers are against raising the wages of fast food workers to $15 per hour.
The vast majority of AOL readers are against raising the wages of fast food workers to $15 per hour.

These restaurants would have to raise their prices by nearly 40 percent, causing business to drop and profits to plummet.

Locations would possibly close and jobs may dry up, but the "Fight for $15" marches forward.

The weekend poll gauged the opinions of more than 5,000 people across the nation and inspired a a fiery debate in the comments.

"$15.00 for flipping burgers, really?" wrote one person.

"It proves that the left either doesn't understand how a business works or doesn't care... any idiot can see that nearly doubling the minimum wage add huge costs to a business," added reader Paul MacLeod.

Many people challenged fast food employees to tough it out for an education, others insisted they go to work instead of marching with signs.

"My husband has 3 degrees and still can't find a job that pays him more than $15 an hour," another woman griped. "Why then should someone flipping or serving over the counter of a burger joint get paid that kind of money.

"They have done nothing to earn that kind of money."

But not everyone agreed with that sentiment.

"My son fought for you people in Iraq, some of the men can't get jobs," lamented Mo Carol Yankanich. "You must be a selfish person who likes our children to be poor. All jobs should pay $$$$$$."

Brinda Thomson Greenblatt challenged those against the idea to "try to pay your student loans on $9.50 an hour."

Reader Ron White grumbled that there are five McDonald's within a five-mile radius of his home.

"Hey here's an idea, stop building more restaurants and pay those people a livable wage," said White.

The "Fight for $15" is among the most divisive issues currently being debated on AOL, but the vast majority of readers agreed" Wages should stay as they are.

10 Arrested When Fast Food Protesters Block Street In San Diego
10 Arrested When Fast Food Protesters Block Street In San Diego

Related links:
The 'Fight for 15' may cost restaurants more than just higher wages, study says
The 'Battle for the Net': Companies fighting to save free and open Internet access
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