This Week in Cute: Adorable animals to brighten up your weekend


It's finally the weekend, celebrate with these photos from around the web of adorable, heart melting cuteness.

This little hedgehog on a log has stolen our hearts.

Llama and a lion cub friends forever at Care Rescue Texas.

It looks like this tiny French Bulldog found the perfect place for a nap!

Lil Bub the cat steals the show with a tiny tongue and big, bashful eyes.

What face could be sweeter to start your morning off with?

This leopard isn't your normal sized furry cat.

This cross eyed cat couldn't be cuter.

This trio of kittens have one thing on their mind-- playtime!

This frenchie is beyond adorable, and a little silly.

For even more adorableness, check out the puppy gallery below!
