Is the 'Singing Nun' giving up her recording contract?

Is The 'Singing Nun' Giving Up Her Recording Contract?
Is The 'Singing Nun' Giving Up Her Recording Contract?

You might remember Sister Cristina, who made headlines in Italy's version of "The Voice." She was dubbed the "singing nun" -- and she actually won the competition.

After winning the show, Sister Cristina Scuccia was given a recording contract, but "Good Morning America" seemed to speculate that she might opt to pass on the possible life-changing reward.

GMA reported that Cristina was planning on keeping her day job. She had renewed her vow of poverty -- saying no to fame and fortune in favor of what she calls her top priority: her faith.

Just because she's saying no to fortune doesn't necessarily mean there won't be a record, though. Catholic News Agency reports that she is going to record an album, but it is currently on hold. And for those who know the nun's history, it's no surprise that she can sing. The Telegraph says that Sister Cristina is a "reformed rebel" who used to be in a band.

After her win, media outlets were having fun with the headlines. CNN made reference to a popular movie that starred Whoopi Goldberg donning the black and white nun getup. The Catholic News Service blog made a Biblical reference and some were a little more to the point.

The Catholic News Agency notes that the Ursuline nun said that despite winning, her priorities would always be to continue in religious life. She plans to make her perpetual vows in 2018.

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