Weather phenomenon causes Beyoncé concert to be heard for miles

Weather Phenomenon Causes Beyoncé Concert to Be Heard For Miles
Weather Phenomenon Causes Beyoncé Concert to Be Heard For Miles

Even mother nature seems to be a fan of Beyonce! A weather phenomenon meant her live concert could be heard by the multitudes - or, at least a good part of San Francisco.

Both the operators of the city hotline and the San Francisco Giants say they were flooded with complaints during Beyonce and Jay Z's concert at AT&T park, which could apparently be heard for miles in every direction.

And as Twitter users noted, the sound wasn't just audible, it was deafening - described as loud and clear from people three miles away.

One user even diagrammed what he called the volume's "blast radius," which turns out was caused by a weather phenomenon called an inversion layer.

According to an acoustic engineer, the sound rises from surface cool air, bounces off a ceiling of unseasonably warm air, and heads back to the surface, giving millions a free concert right in their backyards, front steps and living rooms.

Depending on whether you love or hate Beyonce, this was either exhilarating or exasperating.

But when Beyonce's voice booms from the heavens, should we really question it? We think we're supposed to just bow down.

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