EMTs break into hot car to save... doll?

EMTS Break Into Hot Car to Save... Doll?
EMTS Break Into Hot Car to Save... Doll?

HOBOKEN, NJ-- For a child carelessly left in a hot car, every second makes a difference.

So, when a passerby saw what they thought was a child in a car seat in Hoboken, New Jersey, they called 911. Emergency responders immediately broke the driver's side window.

One problem?

"There were the cops and the ambulance and they broke the window thinking that there was a baby in there, but it wasn't a baby, it was a doll,' Kitty Mieles, the car`s owner, said.

The life-sized baby doll named Todd is apparently so realistic, he deceived emergency responders.

Mieles said her granddaughter left the doll in her car seat and she says she wishes officials would've taken a closer look. She's now making a claim to repair the window.
