Teen snaps selfie with mom before fatal flight MH17

Malaysia Airlines Passenger, 15, Takes Happy Selfie With Mother
Malaysia Airlines Passenger, 15, Takes Happy Selfie With Mother

This is the last picture taken of a Dutch mother and her teenage son before they perished in the tragic Malaysian airlines flight that claimed the lives of 298 people.

15-year-old Gary Slok and his mother Petra took the carefree selfie as they settled into their seats aboard flight MH17. They were reportedly heading to Malaysia for a vacation designed for single parents and their children.

Other Internet posts from passengers on the flight had a similar happy tone.

Another Dutch passenger posted this to Facebook shortly before taking off. Comments posted after the crash grew more and more grim as more details came out.

And one passenger posted a now haunting photo of his tickets to Instagram.

But one of the most chilling pictures was reportedly posted by Cor Pan to Facebook. It's possibly a picture of the plane that was shot down. A caption below reads "if [it] disappears, this is what it looks like."

Sunday night, officials reported 251 bodies found in the fields of Ukraine where the flight was shot down last week.

More coverage of MH17 on AOL:
Rising death toll in crash of flight MH17
Network criticized for gaffe
Grieving mom's plea to Putin
Rebels to turn over black boxes
Photos of crash victims surface
