Viral video: Woman buys diapers for stranger at Walmart

Woman Buys Diapers For Stranger At Wal-Mart
Woman Buys Diapers For Stranger At Wal-Mart

Carol Flynn was standing in a checkout line at a Walmart in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, when she noticed the young mom in front of her was having problems buying diapers. What she decided to do next was caught on camera -- and people across the country have been touched by the kind act.

The mom wanted to purchase four packs of diapers, but the store discount only extended to just one package. Flynn went to see what the problem was, and she didn't realize that another Walmart shopper had quickly grabbed his phone and was filming the whole thing. He later posted the video on his Facebook page.

Post by Jason Yoshino.

Post by Jason Yoshino.

In the video you see Flynn, in the black-and-white shirt, return to her cart to retrieve her purse. She hurries back to the cashier and quickly hands over her credit card to pay for the three extra packs of diapers.

Just days after the video was posted, media outlets across the country have picked up the story, all commending Flynn's kind heart.

ABC caught up with Flynn who, funnily enough, had no idea what the term "viral" meant before this happened.

"I don't quite understand all the particulars, but somebody had told me it had gone viral. Is that the correct word? Viral?"

But whether she's happy the video has taken the Internet by storm or not, it seems Flynn's heart was definitely in the right place.

"I said paying it forward is kind of a neat thing to do, and I'm sure you'll pay it forward sometime to somebody else."

KSFY spoke with Katie Kanefke, the woman who Flynn bought the diapers for. It definitely goes without saying - she was shocked by the good Samaritan.

"I couldn't believe it. I was just so surprised. I was like, 'I don't even know you.' If you ever needed a sign that God's there for you in the hardships and struggles, this is it. It's pretty awesome."

And it seems that Flynn's good deed definitely had a positive effect on Kanefke, who plans to continue paying it forward to others.

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