Justin Willoughby loses nearly 600 pounds, inspires others

Man Loses Nearly 600 Pounds, Now Inspires Others
Man Loses Nearly 600 Pounds, Now Inspires Others

One Pennsylvania man who was morbidly obese at almost 800 pounds decided to turn his life around and lost nearly 600 pounds. NBC reports, "Justin Willoughby suffered from stress and severe anxiety, and he turned to food for comfort."

The Huffington Post reports when Willoughby was 16 years old he weighed almost 800 pounds, and doctors told him he might die if he didn't lose weight. That's when he formed a new mentality to "lose weight or die trying."

When asked what helped him get started, he said his faith played an important role. "I had a belief in God, and that definitely was a significant part ... that gave me hope and a purpose in life."

He is almost unrecognizable compared to his 'before' photos. Willoughby is now 27 years old and weighs 235 pounds. He told The Huffington Post he began with standing up and sitting back down. Now he spends about an hour and a half at the gym five to six days a week. He tells HuffPost, "At my lowest, I was 207 pounds. Now, I weigh 235 after lifting weights more."

His motto is "One Step" because that's what it takes to get started. Willoughby noted on his One Step Nation Facebook page that he's now "helping inspire others to lose weight, get fit and live a life free from obesity."

Willoughby is now a fitness trainer and an author of several weight loss books. He also gives weight loss tips on his website, and he's a motivational speaker.

This is a truly inspiring transformation.

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