Baby birds give man at electrical substation the cutest 'shock' ever

Power Station Holds Cute Surprise
Power Station Holds Cute Surprise

Michael Finnigan was doing some maintenance in a former factory electrical substation when he noticed a bird flying around the area, coming and going from a small nest.

Curious, he went to look at the nest and found four hungry creatures waiting for their parent to come back with some food. He was sure not to touch the babies or the nest, backing away after getting his unexpected surprise. "Sorry, got nothing for you!" he said as they screeched.

On YouTube, Michael wrote, "Surrounded by 115,000 volts, mom picked a strange place for this."

Commenters were delighted by the birds, though many were worried for them, asking whether or not Michael planned to call animal control.

Michael explained, "It's safe there. The yard is surrounded by chain link fence topped with barbed wire, and no humans really want to be out there due to the danger of being electrocuted into a small pile of carbon dust. "
